Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good News / Bad News

It's good and bad news for Ken. On the plus side, he now has a job here in Melbourne, so he is at last earning an income again.

Now all he needs is a home. If there's anyone in the Ringwood area who could help, please get in touch.

The bad news is that he is finding it impossible to persuade anyone in Mansfield to testify on his behalf in court. It appears that pressure has been applied behind the scenes and people are fearful of losing their jobs.

So it has been one step forward and one back. Naturally Ken is pleased to be working again, but Kennetts intervention was, as he says, a kick in the guts.

Given this increased pressure on Ken and the lack of support from his former colleagues and neighbours, it's hard to know what to do next.

I'll keep you posted.

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