Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good News Week

Well, Ken is certainly making the news this week - not just in MCV and bnews, but also in the Sunday Herald Sun and today in the Age. His case has also caught US interest, making the news bulletins of US gay satellite radio station Sirius OutQ 149. Today sees a conciliation hearing at VEOHRC with representatives of the AFL attending.
It seems like we're on track to get all levels of footy to take sexual orientation discrimination seriously at last.
The main problem, however, remains the DSE, with all the pollies siting on their hands, and a hearing date now postponed to September. This is due to the illness of the conciliator, not any sinister motive, but as you can imagine, it has Ken pretty depressed.
But we're heartened by the win Gary Burns has had against John Laws and Steve Price up in Sydney, although a bit dismayed that it took five years to get it.
We hope the DSE will start to see some sense long before September, come down off their high horse, and start volunteering to resolve this issue. We'll certainly be encouraging them to do so.
Thanks for your donations (see bank a/c details at the top of the page) - they will help us pay some of Kens bills (mobile phone to stay in touch, petrol to get to hearings in Melbourne etc.) which are eally difficult on Centrelink benefit alone.

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